Fitness blogger with a love-hate (mostly love) relationship with food.

Monthly Archives: August 2017

Beat the Heat

Summer is both welcomed and feared in my world. I love the longer daylight hours and being able to wear minimal clothing, but I dread the heat. Living in the Midwest, it doesn’t help that it’s also humid. I know there’s a scientific explanation for this, but I’ll never be able to wrap my head around being simultaneously warm and wet.

There are still tons of activities you can do in the winter, and spring and fall are ideal for outdoor running, in my opinion (minus more frequent downpours). But there’s just something about the bone dry surfaces and the sun shining down that makes working out in the summer not seem like such a chore. With that being said, going out in high temps can be a daunting task. However, there are ways you can prepare yourself to beat the heat. Here are a few of my tips for keeping cool while working up a sweat.

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